Morpheus is suitable for all skin types.
No smoking.
No alcohol or caffeine for one week prior.
No make-up or lotion, clean bare skin.
Stop anticoagulants 7-10 days prior to your treatment, if medically permitted. You MUST ask your doctor for clearance.
Hair needs to be shaved on treatment area.
No sun tanning or self tanners 4 weeks prior to treatment.
Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (waxing, etc...)
Topical anesthetic for 45-60 minutes prior to treatment is required to decrease the discomfort the procedure causes.
Treatment is limited to the energy as tolerated by the patient, depending on the patient sensitivity.
Anti HSV viral prophylaxis is recommended for patients with history of Herpes Simplex.
A week before your procedure stop taking: aspirin, ibuprofen, Excedrin, Motrin, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, flax oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, and all vitamins. Also avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol a few days before your treatment. If you must take pain medication, Tylenol is your best choice.
Cooling the skin can reduce discomfort and excessive skin response.
Apply healing ointment or antibiotic ointment immediately post treatment 1-3 days. We recommend Aquaphor.
As soon as the needle holes close (1-3 days), apply moisturizer, sun-screen and make-up.
Apply sunscreen at least SPF 30 to treated areas for 4 weeks.No tanning is allowed during the course of treatments.
Bruising, redness, and swelling may occur lasting days to weeks.
Avoid hot tubs, saunas, and swimming pools the first week to avoid infection.
Moisturizer can be applied after 72 hours, make-up as well.
Avoid skin irritants (Retinol, Trentinoin, etc...)
Start a skin care routine (see our in office products)
Patient is to go to the ER post treatment if there is any indication of infection, excessive swelling, pain,or any unusual symptoms.
Tiny scabs may appear after 1-3 days and stay for several days following the treatment.The scabs should not be touched or scratched even if they itch and should be allowed to flake off naturally.
Prophylactic antiviral therapy should be continued for patients with history of cold sores when treating around the mouth area.
First 72 hours no soap, only lukewarm water. After 72 hours cleanse with gentle cleansers.
No strenuous activity for 72 hours, it will increase bruising. Avoid running, weightlifting, yoga,etc...
Arnica gel to help with bruising.
The number of sessions is individual and depends on treatment parameters. Typically, treatments require 3-4 sessions for optimal results, spaced 4 weeks apart.
Maintenance is required if you want your results to last. Preferably 1 treatment every 6-12 months being the longest. Skin is constantly aging and has to be maintained.