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Pre-Treatment Instructions for Dermal Fillers/Neurotoxin

  • Do NOT consume alcoholic beverages at least (24) hours prior to treatment (alcohol may thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising).​

  • CRITICAL to first consult with your medical provider before making ANY changes to your medications.tions. For prescription anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications, it is , vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil supplements, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect. They can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injec anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications, if possible, for at least (1) week before treatment. Medications and supplements such as aspirin• Avoid over-the-counter non-prescription

  • Discontinue Retin-A (2) days before and (2) days after treatment.

  • You need to be off antibiotics at least (2) weeks prior to your dermal filler or neurotoxin appointment. Depending on what antibiotic you are taking and the reason you are taking you could need up to (4) weeks, please check with your Provider for further details.

  • Appointment.• For dermal fillers only, schedule any dental cleanings or dental work at least (2) weeks before or (4) after your dermal filler.

  • Schedule your dermal filler and neurotoxin appointment at least (2) weeks prior to a special event that you may be attending, such as a wedding or vacation. Results from neurotoxin injections take approximately (4 to 14) days to appear. Results from dermal fillers may be immediate but can take up to (4) weeks for full effect. Also, bruising and swelling may be apparent during that time period.

  • Reschedule your appointment at least (24) hours in advance if you have a rash, cold sore, blemish or if you are experiencing a cold or viral illness symptoms. • If you have a history of cold sores please let your provider know, they may put you on an anti-viral medication prior to treatment.

  • You are not a candidate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and will not be treated.

  • Be sure to have a good breakfast, including food and drink before your procedure. This will decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment. • Come to your dermal filler appointment with your make-up removed, hair pulled back, and no earrings.

Post-Treatment Neurotoxins

  • Do NOT manipulate the treated area for (4) hours following treatment.

  • Do NOT receive any facials, laser treatments, microneedling, dermalplaning, microblading, or microdermabrasion after Neurotoxin injections for at least (5) days. Ask your Provider if you are not sure about the recovery time frame for certain services.

  • Avoid extreme heat, such as saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs for (24) hours.

  • Use a high-SPF sunscreen when outdoors.

  • Avoid applying makeup to the treated area for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

  • Do NOT lie down for (4) hours after your Neurotoxin treatment. Lying down can cause the Neurotoxin to track into the orbit of your eye and cause a drooping eyelid.

  • It can take approximately (4) to (14) days for results to be seen. If the desired result is not seen after (2) weeks of your treatment you may need to come in for a touch-up.

  • You must schedule any touch-up within (3) weeks after your initial visit and may need to purchase additional units.

  • Do NOT perform activities involving straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for (24) hours after treatment. 

Post-Treatment Instructions Dermal Filler

  • Avoid significant movement or massaging of the treated area unless instructed by your Provider.

  •  Avoid strenuous exercise for (48) hours.•Use a high-SPF sunscreen when outdoors.

  •  Avoid extensive sun or extreme heat, such as saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs for (72) hours.

  •  Avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol or salt for (48) hours to avoid excess swelling.

  •  If you have swelling you may apply a cool compress for (15) minutes each hour.

  •  Use Tylenol for any discomfort.

  •  Avoid applying makeup to the treated area for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

  •  Try to sleep face up and slightly elevated if you experience swelling.

 Contact Us 




Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

 â€‹â€‹Saturday: 9am - 2pm  

  Sunday: Closed


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4543 Hwy 17 Bypass S Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Located on the second floor.

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